By: Coach Dane

This weekend marks the official start to the USAV season. I’ve had a chance to watch pretty much all our teams play. I have to say I am very impressed by the progress in so little amount of time. I’ve also had a chance to chat with some of the players to get a feel for where they are at mentally. There is one theme that is spread throughout the club and I’m sure throughout every team will face as well and that is “starting slow.”

As a whole we all seem to agree that we wish we started the tournament day the way we finished. I’ve addressed the RISE team directly about this after their scrimmage last week. This is the question I asked them to ponder during the break and now I’m asking all of you to contemplate as well…”What’s holding you back?”

Think hard about this. Coaches don’t want an answer like “jitters.” The team across from you is just as nervous. Think about what you need to do mentally to get over this hump. Us coaches can break down film and give you answers but that won’t help you because it’s all in retrospect. Good teams can correct mental errors before the next match. Great teams fix the problem before it starts! Have a great rest of the break and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!